Donate to or Fund Kota Kita

Kota Kita carries out commissioned work, but it also relies heavily on donations and funding.

Some of Kota Kita’s most meaningful work, including its landmark project Solo Kota Kita, has been funded by aid and philanthropic organizations like the Ford Foundation, USAID, and UN-Habitat..

To make a one-off donation, or set up regular donations, please enter your details below. Feel free to contact Kota Kita to discuss how else you can help.

Volunteer or Intern

Participation is the spirit of Kota Kita’s work, and more than 14 volunteers and interns have contributed to building better cities, while learning the ropes of inclusive urban planning and governance.

Contact us if you are interested in working with Kota Kita!

Addina Amalia

Alice Shay

Alex Warburton

Alykhan Mohamed

Barry Beagen

Daniel Heriberto Palencia Arreola

Emily Schlickman

Emily Lesk

Hector Salazar Salome

Heni Wijaya

Hadar Sachs

Karina Gilbert

Lucia Artavia

Olivia Stinson

Sebastian Dettman

Stephen Kennedy

The Urban Social Forum

If you want to take part in the 4th Urban Social Forum in December 2016, please contact us.

The Urban Social Forum is an annual event that creates an open and inclusive space for civil society organizations, students, academics and social leaders from all over Indonesia to gather.

The forum provides an opportunity for participants to debate ideas, exchange experiences and knowledge, and meet and network with other leaders and organizations working on pressing urban issues throughout the country.

The event is aimed at promoting awareness of urban issues, improving understanding of current practices and promoting collaboration.

Together, the civil society community can develop a common vision about how to overcome the challenges that determine our urban future.

The Urban Social Forum organizers believe that inclusive, participatory and progressive policies are necessary for the development of socially just, sustainable and humane cities, and that the role of civil society is critical in developing solutions to our urban problems.

Not only are these socially inclusive cities needed, we believe they are achievable, and it is our responsibility to promote them.